Reality Kings - Victoria June Is Got A Wet Surprise For Him

5 years ago
  • 3451 Posts

We all know what it's like to go up against an angry girlfriend. Yelling, frustration, throwing… Now, there are also a few of us that know what it's like facing an angry Latina girlfriend. There's a fire there that you don't expect. Markus is one such unlucky fellow who has incurred the wrath of the explosive Victoria June. She's found a pair of pink bikini bottoms in Markus' truck. They're not hers. Not good. So what does she do? She storms into his house like a fucking storm, sniffing around for the deceiving, no-good son of a… Oh, he's showering? Well, she's got a wet surprise for him! Hope he's ready to face the wrath of a woman scorned with only his towel to defend himself with… - "A Squirt For A Cheat" #8thstreetlatinas #realitykings

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